Is electricity transmission congestion harmful to dCS equipment?

Same here in Sweden. A while ago I bought an LPS whose transformer hummed quite loudly. I contacted the manufacturer to ask for a replacement and he replied

So I decided to investigate. Over the course of a week I spot checked my mains voltage at least three times a day (in total 24 observations) and the bottom line was that it is remarkably stable.

As NL, Sweden adheres to EN 50160, so 230V ±10% (in other words between 207V and 253V). In practice the highest voltage I measured during the period was 234V (+1.7%) and the lowest was 229V (-0.4%).


I see. So, if I understand correctly what you’re saying; there’s too much power available on the Grid beyond what it can carry, and so the authorities raise the voltage levels in order to force the Solar panels to stop feeding more power to the grid.

Interesting. Wonder if they’re exploring local Energy Storage solutions? :thinking:

That is correct.

They are currently indeed investing in huge battery compounds, to be installed in local areas.

Another solution comes from Germany. Unlike in the Netherlands, where the inverters clip when in overvoltage, thus shutting down a solar panel directly, in Germany they have the VDE4105 standard, a kind of soft-clipping mechanism, which causes a solar panel to gradually shut down.

Something like this:

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Wonder if they’re exploring local Energy Storage solutions?

There are Early Attempts on that subject… seems they are building something right in my neighbourhood.


(I had to break the Paywall to read that) Looks like these guys are providing the solutions?

First few articles should be free…

Yeah, I know them as one of many electricity suppliers in the free-for-all market that is The Netherlands. Didn’t know they are also a (green) electricity producer.

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