I'm Sorry I Have to Leave You

Dear forum members,

When I was young, my father gave me a piece of advice which I never heeded until today. He told me that if I could make my hobby my job, that would be a sure path to a happiness. Well, better late than never! Per David’s post of earlier today I have started working at dCS. Throughout my 23-year journey as a dCS customer my admiration for dCS and its products has only grown, and I can’t describe how delighted I am to become a part of this fantastic company.

My work will initially be focused on helping dCS’s channel partners around the world, but I am hoping I will also have plenty of opportunities to meet customers along the way. I will post my travel plans here so if I am coming to your neck of the woods and you would like to meet up please feel free to reach out.

So, this post marks the end of the road for @struts001 on this forum :cry:, from now on I will be posting here as @AndrewS.

Best regards….andrew (the artist formerly known as struts001)


R.I.P. @struts001

Welcome @AndrewS :smiley:


Very nice Andrew, best off luck with your amazing new job. :+1:t2:

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Congratulations on your new adventure.

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I would love to do something like this.

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Such great news. Congratulations, Andrew.

Congratulations to the dCS team too — an excellent score!


Best wishes to you Andrew
dCS - you are in good hands


PS - does your new position include an employee discount on a new Varese :laughing:?


Now you get to play with all of the toys all of the time!! Fantastic!! :heart_eyes:


Congratulations Andrew!

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Congratulations, I’m sure it will be great! It seems to me many dCS customers remain loyal to the brand for a long time, like yourself. I still remember fondly the short period of time I was at dCS almost 25 years ago. A really cool company to work for. Let me know if you come to my neck of the woods.


Hey this is terrific news mate! Surely I’ll be happy to meet you when you are around Rome, Italy.


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How did I miss this! Amazing news. Wishing you every success in this career move, I’m sure you will find it hugely rewarding as well as fun.
Very best wishes,

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Having a job of your hobby is wonderful. I expect your postings from customer/dealer visits around the world !

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Any Varese show planned with Moremusic in the Netherlands @AndrewS ?

I believe discussions are ongoing…

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Are you in Montecatini, Italy, tomorrow?

Nope, but I think my colleague Rav will be there.

Andrew. Please pass my best wishes to Rav. It is great to learn that he is still on the scene and to see him in the photos from Taiwan.

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Will do Pete!

Cool! My Rossini will be there tomorrow for the Apex upgrade. Please tell me to have a look :-))))))
