Hi all,
I have eliminated this using a single shared iFi SilentPower GND defender for both DAC and clock using a short Y-shaped IEC adapter into the wall above the Naim gear leads. This works, but I understand the dCS cases aren’t grounded unless there is a ground fault. dCS DAC is connected by Witch Hat Morgana RCA>DIN IC.
I understand the Naim SN3 uses star-grounding and expects an earth ground from the source signal. Please let us know if you have a more elegant solution for this issue. For me, grounding the Phono ground on the SN3 to the female DIN socket had no effect.
I meant when using the iFi in the circuit. My understanding is that the iFI lifts the earth ground until it sees a short, then instantly connects earth. Am I incorrect?
I know that the morgana cable can cause problems in this configuration.
As i had one that went bad, plus i know others had problems as well.
I would first change this cable with one you know is good and go from there.
I would try just rca’s to rca’s.
Also try a different input on the naim, just make sure that the din inpyou are using on the naim is ok.
It has been remedied by my trial and error to good success.
I simply wonder if those with more knowledge of the cicuit topologies or relevant experience can suggest a better, more elegant or higher performance solution.
This combo is mind blowing and is staying put. In my glee, I am just getting OCD about the details.