Here’s a list of books that might be of interest re the discussion on brains, music, science, and the ever present danger of self-delusion. This is a very short list, as so much has been published on these topics; it’s certainly not meant to be exhaustive or covering all perspectives. All I can say is that I recommend the books. No bullshit here!
— McIntyre, Lee: The Scientific Attitude
— Rauch, Jonathan: The Constitution of Knowledge
— Sunstein, Sibony, Kahneman: Noise
— Gladwell, Malcolm: Blink
— Pinker, Steven: Rationality
— Gaukroger, Stephen: Objectivity
— Sagan, Carl: The Demon-Haunted World
— West, Bergstrom: Calling Bullshit
— Trivers, Robert: The Folly of Fools
— Shermer, Michael: How We Believe
— Gazzaniga, Michael: Who’s in Charge?
— Chabris, Simons: The Invisible Gorilla
— Ramachandran, V.S.: The Tell-Tale Brain
— Shermer, Michael: Why People Believe Weird Things
— Gabriel, Markus: The Limits of Epistemology