The software was tested on a variety of headphones, with beta testers comparing results on over a dozen models… On the image above there are several to be seen. I recognise the Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC and the HifiMan Susvara. What others do you recognise?
I’ve seen a similar approach by SPL, in their Phonitor line. I had one of those back in 2010 or 11 or so and the effect is definitely noticeable. I wonder how Bartok’s implementation sounds, but my version lacks the headphone amp section as I have a dedicated unit for this purpose.
On the rear row, the rightmost appears to be Audeze LCD, can’t really tell which one from my phone.
I am late to the discussion.
Could someone kindly explain Expanse and how to use it via M connect?
I have a Bartok HP version and love the SQ. Using Focal Utopia headphones.
Many thanks in advance