dCS Vivaldi Upsampler - wanted dead or alive

There is an Upsampler plus on Audiogon – In silver

DEMO dCS Vivaldi Upsampler Plus | Silver For Sale | Audiogon

Best sir,


Getting back to the Vivaldi successor – ask your dealer where he’ll/she’ll be in August & what training will they be undertaking?

Okay – I hear dCS forum police sirens in the background. :man_police_officer:

Best to all,


1 Like

My dealer (Paragon Sight and Sound) has a used one currently available.

I only see the dac on their website under pre-owned currently.

Bob, oops, my bad.

There is a silver Upsampler plus on Audiogon as of this morning (06/15/2024) from Atlanta.

DEMO dCS Vivaldi Upsampler Plus | Silver For Sale | Audiogon

Best sir,



Thanks gents, I appreciate it. Holding out for a slightly older/cheaper one though. I have seen them go for 10-14k.
We might also be entering the housing market again for a new project so audiobudget might end up being suspended or rerouted :slight_smile:

But then again, the room can also be an upgrade in itself.

There is a Upsampler on Audiogon this moring.