dCS into CH Precision preamp and ATC speakers

I am in the fortunate position of being able to build a new system in a large listening room and over the last few months I have been listening to various setups. Recently I heard a dCS Rossini direct into a pair of active ATC SCM 50s and was not hugely impressed. My dealer then connected the Rossini through a CH Precision L1 preamp and the sound was transformed. I have also been able to visit the ATC factory and there was able to compare the SCM 50s with the 100s and 150s. The 100s were good but the 150s were sublime. they are currently building a pair of 200s for me to audition with no obligation to buy if I prefer the 150s. I am also hoping to audition a Vivaldi 3 box system with the 200s and I am hoping it will be good…

Has anyone else had experience with the CH Precision L1? Out of interest I might ask them to connect the Vivaldi direct to the SCM 200s…that could save me a lot of money!!

Although I am a long term user of Vivaldi and ATC actives I cannot answer your exact question as I have never heard ,let alone used, CH Precision Products. A great reputation though and I am sure one would be a superb choice.

However you mention direct connection, A couple of points. dCS Vivaldi has been replaced by Vivaldi Apex. They have different analogue output stages so make sure that your demonstration uses the version that you would be buying.

My second point is that you don’t have to buy everything at the same time. Why not direct connect Vivaldi to ATCs to start. Keep it for a while ( it will need burning in) and if you like what you hear stay that way. If you think that something extra is needed ( i make no prediction) only then need you spend on a preamp.


I’m currently running a Vivaldi (non-Apex) → CH L1 → CH M1.1 Stereo → Stenheim Alumine 5.

I’m very happy with the setup, and I think the CH gear works very well with the Vivaldi. I also love the configurability/expandability of the CH lineup, as well the the ability to control all the settings from their app.

Yum. That’s a gorgeous system, Jeff. (Have you posted in the “Show off your system” thread?!)

I’ve really liked the big CH Precision gear I’ve heard (the M1.1 and M10s), and it drives the Stenheims very well indeed. Speaking of Stenheim’s — they fall into group A of the speaker aesthetic groups I just posted about in another thread, but in a way that I find genuinely gorgeous. Jean-Pascal and team are not just nice people; I think they make great speakers that are almost architectural in style. Just lovely :ok_hand:

Thanks for the reply, Jeff, it is reassuring that someone else has successfully used the Vivaldi with the CH gear. Although I have spent quite a lot of time auditioning the Rossini with the CH L1 I am looking forward to listening with the Vivaldi, which my dealer is obtaining for the demo at ATC hopefully at the end of the month. If I opt for the actives I don’t need a power amp of course. I did find the insertion of the CH L1 to be a huge improvement over the Rossini direct into the ATCs, or at least the SCM 50s but will try it direct into the SCM 200s as well. I don’t pretend the ATCs are as good looking as your Stenheims though but they will be used as part of a multichannel cinema system as well as the standalone stereo system.

It’s an interesting position to be in, Murray — I guess you could go one further and say the active ATCs mean you don’t need the L1 either. Logically, at least — I know that’s not how the audition went. And not how some others are using their ATCs. Hoping the feedback configurability of the CH power amps doesn’t drag you into 2^24 different comparisons if the dealer suggests a trial with passive ATCs! :yum:

(Of interest to me at least: Is it a bummer or a joy when the addition we’re auditioning may well add something we love, even though logic suggests it should detract from the sound, not add? I know, for example, that there are systems that have sounded better to me with a box (or two) that should fall into the Extraneous Gear category, but if the results make me happier…)

I’ve heard @PAR’s system, and it’s a pearl — ATCs are great. One comparison we didn’t make was with and without his preamp, though. We listened with the preamp in the chain only, and compared upsampled/not upsampled streams. We plainly know how to party. That reminds me, time for a separate thread/feature request on that!

Looking forward to hearing how you get on.

Thanks Ben, I will let you know how I get on but I don’t think I will be going down the passive ATC route. I am fortunate to have a large room and I am looking forward to hearing the ATC SCM 200s. although the 150s were sublime, if not very attractive to look at. I had even thought about the 300s but Ben Lilly at ATC has discouraged me from going down that path, even my room isn’t big enough for those. Its proving to be great fun, if a little financially daunting, building what I hope will be a landmark system for me. Watch this space…looking forward to partying when its all in place in the next few months!

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I have unfortunately never had the chance to hear ATCs. Would love to some day! There are some significant advantages to an active design (not to mention all the money you can save on the amp). The L1 does a great job matching itself to both upstream and downstream equipment, so it’s possible this is contributing to the sound in your demo. Sounds like you’re having fun!