Bartok apex and rosinni clock

about a month ago i upgraded my bartok to apex and speakers from Wilson Sasha 1 to Wilson Alexx V with constant playing the first week i could hear little difference now the whole system has become much more musical with a wider deeper soundstage. maybe breakin burnin or more likly im listening better more critically? after the upgrade i went to a DCS event in seattle where they were switching the lina clock on and off. i could here something was different but couldnt put my fonger on it. long story short i ordered a Rossi clock.should be here soon in your opinions what should i here different with the clock on vs off? recommendations for specific music that might highlight the difference. is there a burn in period for the clock and cables?

You are far from alone. Plenty of user impressions in this thread:

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Much of the time, I think we look for tonal quality when listening for differences in Hi-Fi systems. What the Rossini clock delivers (from my perspective) is a far greater sense of space in both terms of depth and separation between instruments.

Listen to one in your system for a couple of weeks and then turn it off, you’ll be reaching for the ‘on’ button pretty quickly IMO!