BACCH implementation

Hello everyone,

Long time no post. This time it’s about BACCH processing. Has anyone in this forum implemented a BACCH processor in their system?

I’m thinking about it - the Mac mini versions are not astronomically priced, and almost every comment I’ve come across so far (of those who have used it or heard it, well implemented) is xtremely positive.

I suspect it would create big changes in the topography of my current system, so am a little hesitant. I use a network bridge direct to Kii 3 speakers. In its current incarnation with many bells and whistles, it’s pretty much already what I imagined high end should sound like when I started out 55 years ago.

Should I?

Best wishes


Hello Aubrey,

In case you’re not already aware, there is a dedicated (long) thread on this subject on the PS Audio forum.

I haven’t yet tried it, but I’ve been pondering for a while about whether to ‘take the plunge’.
For the time being, I have decided not to.

I’m happy with the way my current set up sounds, so I’m reluctant to mess with it, especially as it would involve extra boxes/cables and USB/optical connectivity (as you, no doubt, know all dCS equipment is optimised for Ethernet).

Perhaps, in time, I may reconsider it, once Theoretica Applied Physics have further developed, and improved upon, their current BACCH ‘package’ offering…

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Well, they just responded to me in such a clear and detailed way that the implementation is now not a big deal. I think I will go for it soon.

If you do decide to go for it, I hope that you’ll be happy with the outcome.
Please let us know your findings.

I’ll summarise by saying that my findings were that, when it worked, it was incredible, but, when it didn’t, it was a pain. Bear in mind, it’s been a good couple of years since I tried it, so much may have changed since then. Things to like:

  • Amazing 3D sound (like church bells off directly to my right, not in front of me at all)

Things I liked less much:

  • Sufficiently complex to configure that needed training with the designer
  • The USB output from an iMac wasn’t as good as the USB output I was using at the time and there was no option of RAAT etc over ethernet
  • BAACH didn’t want to play nicely with my headphones (I had a similar issue with my speakers, however they were able to figure out what was happening here and fixed the speaker setup) - it does seem you are a little reliant on them being able to test against your particular setup

In short, brilliant. But with some flaws that needed fixing. Certainly worth trialling to see where they are now (but watch out for the restocking fees).

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