Anyone move on/up from the DCS Network Bridge?

Greetings. I’ve owned a NB for 4 years now and have been very satisfied. I stream 100%.

Have any of you current or previous owners of the NB found a different streamer that you prefer? I’m looking for an upgrade in the $5k-8k range and improvement in sonic quality is primary interest. 'Done a lot of research and haven’t read of anyone finding a significant upgrade unless they go up to top-of-the line streamers from Aurender, Grimm or Anitpodes.

I’m keenly interested in the Innous Pulse, or Aurender N200.

But perhaps the NB is the best value in streaming today?

Any feedback of your journey is appreciated.

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I cannot reliably judge what you may consider an improvement in sonic quality. As I often write, this is a subjective matter and we are all different. Bear in mind that the actual streaming from many brands is carried out by OEM components from the same supplier. So this may explain why, although the case and app may differ , as you say:

What are you using the NB with? This may have a significant impact on the choice. When you say 100% streaming do you mean streaming from local files, streaming from a streaming service or both?

I am also aware that, irrespective of the network player, many are not using their streaming service optimally. Doing this correctly and paying attention to your network e.g, switch and/or wiring may also yield positive results.

Not within the budget you mention I’m afraid but I went from an NB to the Vivaldi Upsampler and later added the Vivaldi Clock, huge uplift in SQ whether streaming from;local files,Tidal/Qobuz,internet radio or analogue input via an ADC.


Aurender N200 will not be an upgrade IMO, N20 and N30 are required to do that especially if you use a dCS clock.

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Thanks for engaging, Pete. A few things about my digital front end:

  • 100% streaming with Qobuz
  • I stream to a Mojo Audio Mystique EVO Pro DAC (AES - Black Cat Digit 110 cable)
  • Internet router has a Sbooster LPS powering it.
  • Blue Jeans Cat6a ethernet cable from router, to Muon Pro ethernet filter (plugged into DCS NB)
  • Triode Wire Labs Digital America power cords on DAC and DCS NB
  • DAC and DCS network Bridge plugged into Puritan Audio PSM 156 power conditioner
  • Using the “ground master” with the PSM 156 - which is wired to two dedicated 8 foot copper grounding rods.

I’ve thought about adding a word clock to the NB, and/or inserting a DDC with a good 10mhz clock attached to potentially improve the sound. But I’m hesitant to have the mess of multiple devices and cables and the associated tinkering time - seems like a deep rabbit hole. I like to keep the system tidy, too.

I’ve seen a few used Aurender N20’s sell for $8k. Maybe that’s the path if one comes up again.

But the DCS NB came out around 2017? I would think (or perhaps “hope” is the right word) - that with the advances in streaming, somebody would have released a product in that time that has at least marginally improved SQ at the relatively the same price.

As I said before, perhaps the DCS Network Bridge is/was just that good.

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It is pretty impossible for me to comment much on a Network Bridge used outside of its design intention. So some of its attributes may not be relevant to your system. Anyway you seem to have made a good attempt at optimising it.

What would they be? if you are thinking of Qobuz and <24/192 steaming this has been available since 2017.

One issue that I have with this hobby is the tendency to wildly exaggerate everything. In reality many " improvements" are little more in sonic terms than changes and marginal ones at that. With this in mind I don’t think that you will find a real improvement as things stand. NB was a great product. Just listen and be happy :smile:.

I had the NB for a Month or so - thought it was excellent - now I have an Auralic which has better software however, isn’t as impressive as the NB for out-and-out sound quality.

Many had informed me that the software is one of the highest factors when it comes to choosing a streamer - well the software is better on the Auralic I agree, but I hanker for the NB again simply because the sound quality was better.

Very noticeable on DAC’s that do not re-clock, depending very much on the upstream quality of the streamers clock. I do not think your Mojo Audio DAC re-clocks, you might want to correct me on that.

So now I am looking to acquire an NB again … (anyone want to sell one to me?).

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Thanks for sharing your experience, Onesandzeros. You are correct: the Mojo DAC does not re-clock.

If I ever find a new streamer in my budget that I determine to sound better than the NB - I’ll be sure to reach out to you first regarding buying the NB! :smiley:

I also asked dCS if they still support the NB (because as you now know I am looking out for one) - response from James Cook…

Network Bridge is still fully supported with the latest software updates and is fully serviceable should it be needed.

Also, if you buy a DAC which re-clocks then that high quality clock in the NB will become redundant - sounds like you are system building with common sense. So again, thinking like that, if you get a DAC that re-clocks go for an Auralic - that will do. But for DAC’s such as Audio Note - then keep the NB.

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You might want to consider the Lucas Audio LDMS. It’s an excellent server/streamer that, to my ears, combined the relative strengths of the Taiko SGM Extreme and Pink Faun 2.16 Ultra at about a third of the price of either.

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I’m using electronic room correction, which requires to separate streaming from upsampling functions. This would not be possible with a (future) Vivaldi Upsampler alone. So even if I might get one some time, I’ll keep my NB for streaming.

If you use Roon you can apply DRC in the Roon server, so it works fine with the Vivaldi Upsampler.

I cannot use Roon with physical silver discs (CD, SACD) nor with TV sound or mix console outputs.
My hardware room correction(s) (Accuphase DG-68, Trinnov ST-2 Pro) have more options and better SQ as well.
And I want to use Mosaic, and not have to pay for Roon.

It is perfectly feasible to use the streaming functions of Vivaldi Upsampler without upsampling. I do this all of the time as I not like some results of upsampling. Vivaldi has what is called a Clone Mode which is sadly not available in other of their lines. You may also set Upsampler so that the sample rate out is the same as the sample rate in ( though it will pad 16 bit word length to 24). The result could then be passed to your Accuphase.

BTW, streaming via Vivaldi is slightly preferable to via NB ( slightly) . The significance of this will vary according to your needs but I seem to remember that Upsampler has some improved components e.g. receiving chip .

I hope I understand your concern but as I do not have knowledge of the Accuphase please feel free to correct me if necessary.

Using the Vivaldi Upsampler only for streaming instead of the NB, would be an extremely costly solution (CHF 5’000 vs CHF 30’000 or 1:6).
I currently do streaming with the NB and upsampling with my dCS 974. The purpose of the Vivaldi Upsampler would be to have more functions (e.g. DXD, DSD2) and likely more refined algorithms for upsampling than the 974.
I will still need the 974 for downsampling, which the Vivaldi Upsampler cannot do.
I’ve also tried room correction with a minidsp DDRC-22D, but for my ears SQ was far from the level of the Accuphase.

Hi. I have a Network Bridge too. I have no intention of changing it as I love it, and to be honest the “next step” is out of my league.

You have listed all the things you have done to your system to maximise your streaming, but forgive me if I’m wrong., but you don’t seem to have an ethernet switch between your router and the Muon system.

I don’t have the Muon, but have recently added an English Electric 8 switch between my standard Sky router and my NB. And I must say it has made a lovely difference in terms of soundstage and ease of the music. All a bit cliched I know, but a definite improvement for me.

Maybe this is something else you could try. Of course there are lots of switch products out there. Network Acoustics have their own, but it is expensive! I got the EE8 at a bargain price on Ebay.

One other thing. How do you find the Muon Pro? Its something I’ve also looked at recently.

Here is a link to the Network Acoustics website for the Muon products range;

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I have a ethernet cable direct from the router (powered by LPS) to the Muon, and then to the NB. Perhaps I will try a switch in between.

Previously, I did have a Gigafoil (ethernet to optical) before I got the Muon. That was an improvement. But I found after I got the muon, it sounded better without the Gigafoil in between.

In my system, the Muon is an improvement - a really natural, organic sound, more cohesive without losing detail. I think it might be related to my 1965 home and noisy power. Most of the tweaks/mods I’ve done that have centered around reducing AC noise have been a benefit.

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Hi Tom. Thanks for your reply about the Muon. I’d sure like to try one in my system some time. They’ve just brought out the new Eno too, which is less expensive.

I heard a couple of set ups at an audio show recently where they had concentrated on maximising all the ethernet and grounding issues. Computer Audio Design (CAD) is another company producing these type of things, and one set up had lots of their stuff. I came away intrigued, I have since bought a second hand version of their grounding device, the GC1. I have been experimenting with it in my main two channel system, with the NB, and it is currently in my headphone/desk system. It has produced the same sort of sound improvements you mention with the Muon.

Anyway, if you get to try an ethernet switch I hope it works well for you. Maybe give some feedback further down the line.

That’s great. I also use a grounding system: the puritan audio Ground master - which connects two 8 foot copper ground rods to the Puritan Audio PSM conditioner (which the NB is plugged into). I just installed it a few months ago and i’m happy with the sonic improvements. It was not a huge change, but definitely noticeable.

I’m going to research a switch. Might try a DDC with the NB - I’ve read a few people saying it improved their network bridge, but others not so much.

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