I can’t seem to find any reference to them in the dCS forum. Just curious to know if anybody heard them, even if at a show? They are horn speakers from Germany which piqued my interest. Specifically looking at the Beta 0.5 model. I guess first thing is to try and hear them somewhere. Not sure if my wife would appreciate the size though and they seem to weigh 480kg per side…
What amplifier are you thinking of pairing them with?
480kg per side - and I thought my Stenheim 5SE’s at 100kg were portly
A very small one
Just an idea though, I showed a picture of them to my wife and they got a firm veto.
As a fellow 5SE owner, I feel ‘hefty’ would be a more sympathetic description than ‘portly’
I did hear the big model years ago at the distributor’s house, somewhere around 2016-2017, and I can’t recall the electronics used with them.
I’m not a fan of horns, probably because all the horns systems that I’ve listened so far are not my type of sound. The cessaro speakers are not an exception here.
I also listened to several models of this brand at Munich too. I know there’s no point judging a system under show conditions, but unlike other brands that impressed me deeply, the cessaro rooms didn’t when I was there.
Probably the best way to decide is to get a home demo and try for yourself