972 vs 974 sound quality difference

Hi guys,

I know I’m asking two very old legacy products, thing is I couldn’t find 972 manual from anywhere. I can see later 972 supports 192khz as same as 973. So in terms of sound wise, is there any difference? I currently use a 954 and am going to get either one as I heard it would be a massive sound uplift.

I have a 972 I would part with, send me a message if interested. Upgraded version so with 24-192 and DSD via SDIF-2. DSD always sounded best for me with my 954.

The 974 adds quad AES capability although outside a studio I am not sure if it’s any use. Supposedly there were variants with DXD capability on quad AES, not sure if they were available to the general customer at that time. My 954 doesn’t support it.

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The DXD capability was only prototyped. dCS asking £500 per unit with discounts of £200 for the second and further units to finalize the software development. dCS said, they were disappointed by the lack of interest of virtually all the owners, so never finalized DXD on the 9x4 platform.
DXD was introduced on the 9x5 AD and DA platform, presumably a different platform (different processors and hence a different software development) than the 9x4.
Unfortunately there was never a 975 with DXD.

Yes, I think only the likes of Bert van der Wolf of Northstar got to use the DXD prototype option. DSD is still quite good on these units though.

might be a bit too late, but I have been looking for an upgraded 972. let me know if you still have it, thank you!