One other issue that you may wish to consider is that gapless replay is not available with dCS when using MQA. IMO this makes it not a viable replay option for classical music - particularly opera, some rock music e.g Abbey Road, certain “live” albums and a fair amount of progressive rock :
AndrewAndrew PapanikolasdCS: Programme Manager, Streaming Audio
There is a known issue with gapless playback of MQA tracks and this has to do with the way in which the MQA decoder and renderer components bolt together. The only easy way to get truly gapless playback with MQA is to have the decoder component permanently engaged and we’ve elected not to do that since it would be of no benefit (and possible detriment) when non-MQA content is played.
There’s a very hard way to do it without having the decoder permanently engaged and we’re not sure if we’re going to go down this path or not. It would be a huge amount of work for very little real gain since the number of truly gapless MQA albums is very small and the number of customer requests we’ve received for this capability is even smaller.