What's Spinning March 2024


This may be more to your taste Jonathan. Sung entirely by an all-male choir as it would have been in Bach’s day. But do the boys sound more naïve than adult females or am I imagining it? They sing impeccably and the German enunciation is extraordinarily good, but do they actually understand what they are singing? Somehow I’m not convinced… But I was never a chorister, I would be interested in your view.

IMO this is a first class recording but I find myself preferring the Veldhoven. I feel more emotional reverence in the playing and the singing. And IMO the tone of the period instruments is better captured by Channel Classics, although the venue may well have been more sympathetic.

Academy of Ancient Music, Cleobury “Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245” 2017, Qobuz 16/44.1

However for a version that IMO sweeps the board check out this YouTube video of a more recent recording by van Veldhoven with different forces. Apparently all the soloists and the orchestra (except the leaders) are under the age of 35. This is extremely special. The “Ruht wohl” literally brought tears to my eyes.

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if you prefer a more “modern” St. John Passion, you may try this

the Monteverdi Choir is a bank…


,and this

the Evangelist is top - Julian Pregardien!


Thanks @T38.45, I am well familiar with the Gardiner that has been my go-to recording for many years, and I will very happily check out the Dijkstra.

Apologies for the repetition but I need to draw attention to this latest van Veldhoven performance in a separate post just so folks don’t miss it. I have now listened to it twice through and I am just blown away. IMO this is music making of the absolutely highest order and the quality of the recording is apparent even through my AirPods. Deeply moving.

Happy (early) Easter folks! :hatched_chick:



As a former treble, I have always preferred the purity of trebles’ sound compared to female voices.
Whilst King’s can sound rather ‘clinical’ (compared to St. John’s Cambridge, in particular), I think that this Stephen Cleobury led performance is excellent.
Also, I’m a big fan of the Academy of Ancient Music so, for me, this album is a winning combination!
I agree that Channel Classics produce first class recordings, but I l do like the sound of sound of this one.

Thanks. I’ll have a listen.

Thanks. I have this in my library.
It’s time for another listen.

And the same to you.

I’ve got some fun listening ahead! :grinning:

Jeff Beck: performing this week…live at Ronnie Scott’s
Eagle Records - 24th November 2008


Led Zeppelin: The Complete BBC Sessions
Atlantic - 16th September 2016

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Cat Stevens: Catch Bull At Four
A&M - October 1972

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Definitely getting into an Easter groove here. Here’s another one you might enjoy Jonathan.

Academy of Ancient Music, Hogwood “Pergolesi: Stabat Mater” 1989, Qobuz 16/44.1


One for you @all2ofme (similar era to Palestrina).

Tenebrae, Short “Victoria: Tenebrae Responsories” 2013, Qobuz 24/96

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London Philharmonic Orchestra, Jurowski “Mahler: Symphony No.2 ‘Resurrection’” 2009, Qobuz 16/44.1

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I have this version of the Johannes Passion by René Jacobs with the Rias Kammerchor, Staats-und Domchor Berlin, Akademie für Alte Muzik Berlin on SACD.

Harmonia Mundi 2016

By the way, here in the Netherlands the Matthew Passion is far more popular and performed at Easter time really often. I myself was thinking of going to a performance of Golgotha - Frank Martin for some slightly more modern touch.


This last saturday there was a truly exceptional live performance of Wagner’s Walküre led by Kent Nagano with Dresdner Festspielorchester and Concerto Köln at the Concertgebouw. On period instruments, not staged and entirely performed without librettos.It was on the radio within the Dutch Saterday Matinee series.

You can listen to it online.


10,000 Maniacs: MTV Unplugged
Elektra - 26th October 1993


The Sixteen, Christophers “Ikon” 2006, Qobuz 16/44.1

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English Bach Festival Baroque Orchestra, Bernstein “Stravinsky: Les Notes; Mass” 1988, Qobuz 16/44.1

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