What to Upgrade?

I’m running as UPnP on Melco - at least that’s how the Bartok is seeing it. I’m not sure how to do determine if Melco is running Twonky or not - if that’s different than what the dCS sees.

Bartok cannot display what the identity of the UPnP server software on Melco is. Only Melco itself can tell you that. Ensure that for your N1Z you install the latest software (3.93 but 3.92 is usable). Use the Melco front panel display and navigate: Settings>music database>media server app. You may see a choice of Twonky or MinimServer. Then select MinimServer. Depending upon the age of your Melco box and when the UPnP software was last updated you may need to install MinimServer 2 at this point and if so I refer you to:


However even if you do not buy a licence ( which you need to use some of the more sophisticated ways of displaying your searches of albums/tracks within Mosaic e.g. by showing track numbers or being able to select by the first letter of album/artist/composer name) you will still get a basic view for free when using Mosaic . I would however recommend buying a licence as it is inexpensive and effectively expands on how you can use Mosaic as changes in MinimServer 2 will be reflected. You also need to install MinimWatch 2 on your computer,

Thank you, as always, Pete. I shall give this a shot.

After a little browsing it seems that the MinimWatch 2 allows one to monitor / edit MinimServer 2 on the Melco. I assume this addition could wait until everything is ok with MinimServer 2. I think I have it b/c I have the N1Z/2EX.

Best, Paul

Paul, as you have an EX Melco my advice about latest software needs amending. EX series have 4.xx software so I think the current version is 4.21. You may indeed already have MinimServer 2 installed depending upon the age of the unit. So my advice remains about buying a full licence so that you can, indeed, edit MinimServer 2 using MinimWatch 2 installed on your PC or Mac. Personally I love being able to look at, say, composer and instead of seeing a vast list of Composer A-Z I can just search Composer M, for example. But, as you say, wait until you are happy that everything is working OK as it is first.

Option 1.
Source first.

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