Unintentional Vivaldi Clock Test

Having had A, i went to C.
With the dac first, then followed by the upsampler a while later, and finally the clock.
This certainly for me was the best way to do things, SQ was also the way to go doing it this way, as the dac obviously brings the biggest upgrade. Plus i found the upsampler also was more beneficial over the clock as the second box to go for.
The clock just added that bit more to the mix, but was the smallest bang for buck, and why i waited for a second-hand clock to come to market


If you have the money for that, it is the option I would recommend.

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I got my Vivaldi Clock for 12k USD. If I could have found a deal to trade a Rossini Apex plus 12k USD for a decent condition Vivaldi Apex, I would have grabbed it. Unfortunately, I’ve seen no such deals. So now I have the Vivaldi Clock and the associated significant improvement in sound. Perhaps in the future will find a deal on a Vivaldi Apex.


Thanks. Very helpful.

Same as @harryb for me – I picked up a Vivaldi Clock for $10k to add to my Rossini (this is the fault of @all2ofme, whose praise for adding the clock to the Rossini was persuasive!) and couldn’t see any way to get a Vivaldi APEX DAC + Upsampler for similar money.

By my rough calculations after looking at HiFiShark, you get these prices (with implicit error brackets, as prices seem to bounce around more than average on these big ticket items):
(a) Rossini DAC (non APEX) + Rossini Clock = ~$17k
(b) Rossini DAC (non APEX) + Vivaldi Clock = ~$22k
(c) Vivaldi APEX DAC + Upsampler = ~$35k


I typically use the Mosaic app and not the front panel(s) to configure settings on my Rossini Apex DAC and Rossini Clock. After reading your reply to Atonis, I’m wondering if I need to use the front panel buttons my Rossini Apex DAC and/or Rossini Clock to enable the Rossini to automatically select the correct clock frequency.

I do have 2 BNC cables connecting Wordclock Inputs 1 & 2 of the Rossini to the Rossini Clock Wordclock outputs, respectively. I also have dither 1 and 2 selected from the Clock front panel as I don’t believe dither can be managed via the Mosaic app.

In my Mosaic app, it shows my Rossini Device settings as ‘AUTO WORDCLOCK’.

Am I good to go or do I need to use the Rossini DAC and/or Rossini Clock front panel buttons to automatically select the correct clock frequency?

Brian …

Pete, my apologies. I think I’m good to go. Shortly after sending this post I enabled the display on my Rossini Apex DAC and noticed that the W1 displayed for 44.1kS/s tracks and changed to W2 when I played 96kS/s tracks.

Brian …

Glad that it is working for you. I was just about to answer your earlier post by suggesting that you check the synch readouts but you beat me to it :smiley:

Hi Brian, Looks like you figured it out. But just a note for any other readers of this thread. dCS Master Clocks (LINA, Rossini, Vivaldi) have no way of knowing the sampling frequency of the audio (they are output-only devices). The selection of the correct clock “family” is done in the DAC (and Upsampler if used) which read it from the header of the audio data.

I agree and yet disagree with that.

I’ve mentioned several times I would not have purchased the Rossini without the clock as it just didn’t sound very good to me.

It was only when it was connected to the Rossini Clock that the sound became worthy of consideration.