New dCS 6 box presentation!


UK Hifi Lounge / European Launch event for the Flagship dCS Varèse Music System / Press Day Demo.1


even over youtube, this system sounds like killer! chapeau dCS !!

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This appeared on the WBF forum and was posted by someone who attended this weekends Varese presentation at HiFiLounge.

I particularly liked this statement

“I managed to have a chat with David for awhile. It’s great to understand that dcs is preparing to trickle down in near future and potentially v/r/b will be able to work with varese boxes. Very promising indeed!”

Anyone care to speculate?

My two cents - integration of the Varese “display” box would not provide any increase in sound quality. On the other hand, much has been written about the dual Mono DAC’s being the secret sauce of Varese. How about being able to continue utilizing the Vivaldi Upsampler and Clock and replace Vivaldi DAC with dual Mono DAC’s?

as you I’m 100% interested in how dCS trickles down that technology (frankly, I can’t wait to see it…) but afaik has one of the dCS team already answered that the actual Rossini and Vivaldi lines are not compatible with Varese’s technology.

This seems to be contradictory to what was claimed by the attendee at the event. His cited source was David Stevens

That would be very cool - maybe one of the dCS team here can clarify?
afaik the statement was, that APEX already finds its way in the products and so they’re already implementing Varese technology…

It’s me anyway. David was asked by the gentleman sitting next to me about the trickle down and he said the plan is to make varese work with vivaldi and others, e.g the vivaldi transport. I am not sure if I get it wrong but don’t think so.

that would be great! thanks for the update!!!
did he say something about the schedule? 2025?

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I can’t remember exactly the timing bit of the trickle down. Apex is already part of it, so to develop a lower range of varese while making the current products work with varese will take a while as the company is small and orders for varese alone are on the queue until next May already.

Thanks Son—sounds promising!

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But then you would have no volume control.

It makes sense for dCS to give an upgrade path with core replacing Upsampler. Not sure how mono DCs can be inserted into a Vivaldi set up, which is probably where the big gains are, because of the synchronising / clocking issues. Whatever is made available, cheap it will not be…


Thanks for that clarification which seems to fit with future plans which have been known for some time. This would relate to the future I/O module for which space has been provided in Core.

Other than that possibility I would caution others against becoming too excited until things are announced by dCS. They can surprise and not do what you may expect.