Lina upgrade to 2.0 possibly?

Agreed. More filters are definitely a good thing. Note though, among the rest of the dCS family, there’s only one minimum-phase filter, Filter 5 (just to set the right expectation :grin: )

There’s no objective best filter as each makes compromises in either the temporal or frequency domains which different people will have different personal preferences. On my Vivaldi stack for example, for PCM I alternate between Filter 5 - for some rebook (Rock mostly) - and Filter 6 for a wider range which I find especially good for Jazz and Live recordings. While for DSD I always stick to Filter 1 for the widest bandwidth.

The HiFiNews review seems to suggest Lina’s F2 Filter is F4 on the Bartok, but they didn’t show any of the measurements :thinking:


Interesting. Stereophile did something similar a couple of years ago when they drastically reduced the space for JA’s measurement section, and graphs become tiny. :man_facepalming:t2:

At 2:54 why dCS decided to use the top of the range Xilinx FPGA in the Lina. I know that it was mentioned before here but it’s good to hear it directly from dCS employees.


I wonder how many outside this community (who may knock the investment cost of a dCS DACs), know how much these FGPAs cost. The street price of the 3 FGPAs in the Bartok, Rossini and Vivaldi is more than the retail cost of many standalone DAC products.


i.e. how much (out of interest)?

Whoa, that’s one fancy FPGA! Thanks @Ermos, will definitely check it out.

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By the way, even now, the current (unforecasted) factory lead-time for supply of these Artix-7 chips is about 5-months! :flushed:

I just found that the price here has dropped to € 411,71 a piece, with a lead-time of 17 weeks. I am sure dCS has taken care of ordering large batches, so they will be well stocked.

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yea volume street price will be lower, but dCS wont have the buying power of a Aerospace or healthcare customer.

Plus the cost of the Spartan Chips. These are no super expensive but more than the cost of an AKM found in many high end dacs

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chuckle … you should have been looking at this during the “Human Malware” outbreak … the cost of high end FPGAs went absolutely insane, like double or triple that (and don’t even start on availability but I’m sure that you can work out that if they tripled in cost then they weren’t exactly available to excess)! :crazy_face:

It does amuse when we get asked at events “How many taps does it have”… :smiley:


That one got a nice belly laugh out of me.

I thought that part of the definition of malware was that it is controllable/steerable by the author. Well if so I guess the author lost control of that one!

That’s Chord speak :laughing:

And how do you guys typically respond to that?

Once they stop laughing the answer is 18, if you include the outside tap.

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I counted up and we only have 5 (so equivalent to a UK 10. In Sweden all taps are mixers and this quaint British insistence on having separate taps that supply water that either freezes or scolds is regarded with bemused curiosity). We live in an apartment block so the outside tap is shared and I didn’t count it.

Does that mean I am getting 44% worse sound than you @Dunc ? Should I be looking at a Chord de-Scaler??

I wouldn’t worry as you still have really have 2 taps even with a mixer as in hot, and cold.
As for the mscalser then that depends on how much lime you have in the supply, and how hot you go as the last thing you want is scale. So i would say Yes, you probably need one.

Or you could buy the dCS one as that uses a Ring main lol.



Thanks @Dunc , what a great start to my Friday. I laughed so hard a little bit of pee came out!

I must also get on and start doing some plumbing.
As i am a plumber believe it or not.

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Mrs Struts accuses me of having a nerdy sense of humour. I have no idea what she is talking about. I think we have an impedance mismatch! :nerd_face:

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