Clock Cables… we go again (more nuanced this time)

I really look forward to your report!

Understood (and agree with you - and I am American🙄)

As a general FYI - Chris Sommavigo, who developed, owned, and hand made Black Cat cables, passed away 3 (?) years ago. As of last year his wife took over and they have started making cables again.
I cannot comment on how the new cables are as mine were handmade by Chris

Forgot to mention I have the 680D AES/EBU coming in as well. The bar of comparison for these is set lower as I am currently using the ones which came in the Vivaldi tin (marked Van Damme)

I can comment. Mayu Sommovigo and her production assistant are keeping the high standards up. Same materials, same weaving machines, same connectors.


Currently using 2 x dCS issue cables and 2 x Apogee Wyde Eye cables on my Vivaldi 3 box.

I am in a quandary as I won’t buy new any US products since the Trump coup so by any chance does anyone in the UK have two Apogee Wyde Eye cables (for sale or lend) they have grown out of?

A temporary measure to use the same cables on 44 and 48 until the piggybank is replenished and I can splurge on something sexier.


I believe i do have 2 in the loft i am not using.

Sorry i am using them, it’s my older vandamme 1 meter clock cables in the loft.

Thank you @EricR - I ordered a 1ft pair of these for my Bartok / Rossini clock and they are working out just fine - easily as good as the longer BlueJeans cables they replaced. I’m breaking all the rules; short and inexpensive clock cables!

I just installed a new ‘family friendly’ rack - compromise was that all the heavy stiff Audiophile power cords had to be replaced with (gasp - the OEM power cords) to keep things neat and tidy. Sounds just as good as it did before!