Clock Cables… we go again (more nuanced this time)

One of the things I am proud of in my life is a complete disregard for rules in society that make no sense. Of course, deliberately hurting another person needs to be prevented/regulated/punished. Telling the story of a widow trying to continue the legacy of her husband… I’m sure that gets a pass Pete.

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As I said not likely to cause a problem here. However I spent most of my career in the field of copyright . Unanticipated outcomes may result as you are unable to see the entire picture.

Irrespective of guessing , posting text from outside sources without permission is against the law in virtually all countries. It is not just a rule. However it is also contrary to the rules of this forum.

One important technical aspect of a separate wordclock unit is that the crystal is placed in a better environment i.e.less interference from other circuit components. Incidentally the external wordclock is a timing reference for the clock in the slaved unit which continues to operate as usual otherwise.

Have I compared? Yes but a long time ago in the days of Elgar/Purcell/Verdi when I first heard Verona ( the first external dCS wordclock). Initially I was unable to distinguish a difference but ultimately it became clear and I have used a separate wordclock ever since.

So the separate wordclock should perform better than distributing the timing signal from a DAC. However I would not guarantee the audibilty as this will depend both opn the listener’s sensitivity and the music used.

For what it’s worth, i went from the geistnotes to Nordost Valhalla 2, 75 ohm BNC 1.25m. the difference was not subtle. Actually it was fairly substantial!

As others have said, it’s the air between the notes which is where the clock shines.

Thanks Pete. What I mean is more, does the clock cable make more of a difference when having the master clock compared to clocking the transport from the DAC?

At £75 each versus £4000 each, I would hope there is a substantial difference in SQ.


Oh, I thought that I answered that. Please read my post again. I am saying yes and giving a technical reason why. I also say that I have compared the two subjectively albeit some time ago.

Hi August, Logically the difference between two clock cables should manifest itself similarly regardless of whether the connection is Clock-to-DAC, Clock-to-Upsampler or DAC-to-Transport since the receiving units treat and use the clock in exactly the same way.

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Sorry August I misread your question which Andrew has clarified.I would still expect one cable to be preferable to your ears, everything else being equal, though which can only be answered by you.

The latter point means that you can’t just buy reliably on recommendation and if you cannot get a loan sample you will have to risk the outlay.

No problem Pete. I have quite a nice cable currently, not sure if I do hear a difference with it and others (have bjc/belden and the standard clock cable here) but I can investigate.

Okay friends, here’s some flamebait for you. Have at it, I’m ready.

I have a dCS Lina and clock, a Naim Supernait3 and HiCapDR, and Dynaudio Heritage Special and Sub 6.

I have been looking to this forum for guidance on clock cables and have run the Geistnote Apogee Wyde-Eye, The Blue Jean Canare, and the supplied cables.

At the provocation of this thread, I bought these Chinese cables off Amazon for $15 for two, just to see what happens:

XRDS -RF 2PCS 3G/6G SDI Cable 2FT, HD-SDI BNC Male 75 Ohm RG179 Jumper Cables for BMCC Video Camera

Okay, so after some break-in and comparisons, I am very impressed by the new El Cheapos. In fact, they perform so well that I am a bit afraid I’m losing my mind. I am getting next-level hi-fi pyrotechnics even. I could go on, but that’s enough for now. This is not a joke.

I implore readers of this to replicate my experiment and let us know what happens. If you do, I’ll PayPal you to cover the cost of the cables, but only for the first to reply here with a result and description of what you did.

Best wishes and happy listening,


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I would be willing to try them but need 2 pairs for my vivaldi stack.
I have the other’s you mention right now, so would certainly be interesting to compare


To be fair, I’ll split the cost with you then. Go ahead, check it out and let us know.

I would try them although for my 4 box stack I need 5. However for testing I only need a single clock cable to my transport. However the fly in the ointment is that the linked cable is available from Amazon USA. There seems no be exact alternative on Amazon UK ( note the silver braid colour ) . OK, Amazon USA will send to UK but I am not willing to go to go through the VAT hassle.

I could send over a batch if someone would receive them and perhaps then share with others. Let me know.

A generous idea. However that still leaves a VAT problem unfortunately. This becomes worse if the batch recipient is in the EU and I ( UK) would like one. VAT will apply from USA to EU country then gets charged again from EU to UK.

Just to rub salt in the wound most shippers add a customs handling charge and this is a fixed sum with no relation to the value of the goods.

I can get them back to the UK as my daughter is in the airline business and goes to America most weeks.
Would just beed to tie her down to where and what hotel to get them delivered to.

A bit off hassle but doable

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If I send an envelope with 6 wires in it and declare it as a non-commercial personal item, it shouldn’t be subject to fees/taxes. For Duncan, Amazon has pick-up lockers all over the place in the US, which could be convenient for your daughter.

I’m afraid that is incorrect (at least for the UK). All goods arriving in the UK are potentially subject to VAT. Value determines whether it is charged and 6 of these cables exceeds the maximum sum ( 32 gbp). Its eventual purpose is not a primary factor.

Remember that the actual value is easily discernable online.

That’s too bad.