Better power cord to Rossini DAC or Rossini clock for best performance

Thank you for all the replies. It was not my intention to start an aftermarket power cord debate which I know can be a hot topic.

In summary, now that I’ve had more time to play with aftermarket power cords for my relatively new Rossini DAC + Clock, I’ve found that, at least in my system, that the best power cord be placed on the clock for the best sound, but that is just my finding and confirmed by my wife’s great ears.

Indeed, both the clock and DAC should be both powered by the best, but not necessarily the most expensive power cords available on hand. That being said, good, clean power to one’s system is the first essential building block for a recipe for a good sounding system. As one reviewer said many years ago, “One cannot make good lemonade from bad water.” Just my 2 cents.