Word Clock Cables Lina/ Clock/Bartok Apex Combo

What’s everyone’s experience recommendation for clock cable upgrades.
I’m using the Lina Clock with my Bartok Apex. Just using an $500 cables so far.

All reputable cable companies provide well made cables that fulfil the technical demands. However they may produce different sonic results ( for some reason which nobody seems able to explain). Which is the best? Only you can tell this as it is really which is the best for you.

You already have costly cables. Why do you think spending more will necessarily produce more? What are the improvements that you are expecting? To put it another way, what is deficient about your current wires?

The reality is that unless you are prepared to swallow the cost risk of buying blind all you can do is talk with your dealer and see what he can loan.

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I don’t know Pete,

I guess I recently read a few reviews where it was reported to be an increase in sonic details with really high end cables like $3500 so I was wondering what anyone’s experience here was?

I am always sceptical about reviews .Not only whether the component ( in this case cable)is a good match with your equipment but if it matches your tastes.

So even if someone does like a cable and writes about it here you can still find it exactly what you don’t want in practice. As I imply, any of the reputable brands may be worth a try. I have been posting here for years and someone has written in recommending every one of them.

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