Technical Measurements Comparing dCS with Competitors

I wonder if there is any shareable data, based on dCS’ own testing, of how dCS products stack up versus competing products?

Are there metrics like linearity that can be shared in this fashion?

I would imagine the linearity of dCS products would be exceptional compared to others.

I have seen test results posted, but most manufacturers of dac’s dont like to post there results.
I do know the vivaldi was and still is one off the best, and that the Varese has beat it


It would be nice to see some metrics of the flagship DACs.

One off the latest reviews of the varese has some test results printed.
It compared them to the already excellent vivaldi dac.
Just look in the varese thread as i am sure the link to the review is linked in it.

I a[appreciate that you may consider this a competitive journal but Stereophile has published ndependent measurements and related comments for the majority of dCS units over the years. Furthermore measurements of many competitive components are also available for comparison.

I recall reading several posts (here and elsewhere) stating other totl manufacturers such as WADAX and Taiko do not submit their products for measurement. Read into that as you will :wink: