MinimSerwer 2.1 Relaset witch exciting new improvements!

Hello, there is a new version of MinimSerwer 2.1. In addition to many improvements and bug fixes, it brings excellent news, i.e. adding recently added and recently played items to the index. So far I missed it a lot when using DCS Mosaic and Minimserwer, now I can enjoy it and I am close to being fully satisfied with the DCS Mosaic and MinimSerwer tandem. If the keyboard support in the new version of Mosaic was improved, it would be great. I encourage you to update MinimSerwer to the latest version 2.1…


I just upgraded and play around, but can’t find the recently added and recently played item.
Could you advise where to locate it ?

In the server properties tab, in the IndexTags field, add the following entries: (* RecentAdded, * RecentPlayed). save the changes and the next added items should appear after adding new items to the library and scanning it. The instruction on the MinimSerwer website will explain it much better than I can.

Thx, I was looking into the Mosaic apps on tablet, that’s why i can’t find it.
On my PC MinimWatch, i added the 2 indexTags as below and made it.